Student Action For Aborigines


This morning we went out to the nearby mission and reserve to conduct surveys.  The mission was in a better condition than the reserve but there was a manager who was very disliked and seemed rather unpleasant.  Then we went to Bingara Road reserve where the conditions were terrible.  We moved on and picketed the council chambers because of the swimming pool segregation but it was boiling hot so no one came.  So we went to the swimming pool with six aboriginal boys but the manager refused them entry.  After protesting for about 25 minutes we were let in.  Then Charles came with a bus load of 21 more aboriginal boys and they were let in.  After dropping the boys back we went to a public meeting at the memorial hall. There were over 200 people there and at first the atmosphere was very hostile.  Jim Spigelman spoke about who we were, then John Powles spoke about our surveys and Charles (Perkins).  After some questions someone named Mr Kelly got up and said that the section in the towns rules about segregation in the swimming pool should be removed.  He was backed by Bob Brown.  We were delighted to here that the vote was 88 to 10 in favour of getting rid of the segregation rules.  That evening we celebrated in the church hall with tea and coffee.

Charles Swimming with the Aboriginal Boys

Posted by Aiden Foy at 21:00

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